In the research and development centers our team develops software for robotic systems, industrial manipulators of various payloads, AGV transporters. Programming of control systems is done at three levels: high, middle and low.
For realization of human-machine interface control systems’ flexible design is developed. Our specialists use open-source software as well as software originated from friendly countries. Usage of C, C#, C++, Python, LD, FBD, Java languages let effectively work with various equipment and applications in the robotic sphere.
For control of axes’ movements and system security networking through such industrial communication protocols as Modbus, CAN bus, RS-485, RS-232, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Profinet, Profibus is used. The final products are complex control systems for robots and manipulators with human-machine interface.
In the framework of our research and development centers we also conduct research, development, testing & engineering in the sphere of artificial intelligence and computer vision; program options for various types of technological operations such as welding, palletizing and others.
Software development for Russian robots

RnD Centers of Russian Robot LLC are located in Moscow and Chelyabinsk